CNC machine size 366 * 210 automatic tool replacement is the best-selling CNC machine in the Iranian market. This device is offered with excellent quality and very reasonable price in car wear. Contact us to buy and install this device.
Flat CNC device
One of the best-selling CNC devices in the Department of Machine, the CNC, or the same CNC Felt device. This device is used to engraved, construct and embarking flat plates and one hand like wooden sheets. Many customers ask us to say that CNC is called CNC? The cause of the naming of this device is to the mechanism and design of the CNC device. The design of CNC-Felt devices is used only for flat and flat objects.
Check the axes of flat CNC devices
The axes of CNC wood machines are divided into three axes Z, y, X. This is three axes to adjust the width, length and height of the device.
Why are you going to bed?
The linear motion of this device is based on the same axes. But in other CNC devices, to create rotational rotations of rotational axes called periodic axis A, the rotary axis of B and the rotational axis of C. It should be noted that the motion of the motor tool of the CNC machine is controlled in three areas of Z, Y, X axes.
Flat CNC applications?
From CNC Flat Device or CNC Machine from CNC for Carving and Create a variety of designs on flat, metal, plastic, glass such as MDF sheets, Chipboard sheets, HDF Sheets , PVC Sheets, Aluminum Tiles and … Used. Therefore, it can be said that CNC applications are very wide and can not resolve the needs of many different industries, including wood industry.
One of the uses of the Flat CNC device can be referred to:
Making wooden and metal doors
Construction of false pvc ceilings
Construction of designed and mosaic cabinets
Construction of partitions and separator walls
Construction of wooden and metal decorative products
Making advertising products
And …
With creative minds and with consultation with single experts, you can launch a low profit manufacturing product with a low-profit CNC device. With the sale of new wooden or metal engraved products, making new advertising products, making modern and unique decorative products can be achieved in the shortest time.
Familiar with the specifications and features of the CNC flat device
It is good to know that Flat CNC devices have two stimuli motors in the Y axis, which has led to the movement of the axes of the devices stable and without vibration.
The Flat CNC device has a shoulder and linear gear rail, which this type of motor system has raised speed and accuracy.
The Flat CNC device is equipped with a very high suction pump that can easily suck the dust and dust.
The work desk of the Flat CNC device is designed to not shake the piece of work.
The Flat CNC device has high-spirited spindles with different periodic periods. In this piece of air system cooled or cooled water embedded.
The maximum maximum engraving speed of the CNC is 20,000 mm \ / min.
The depth of the cutting and cutting machine is 230 mm.
This device is compatible with various types of ArtCam, Type 3, Master Cam, Wen Tal UG, U CAM.
The best-selling CNC device model in Iran
The 366 * 210 CNC device is the replacement of the automatic tool best-selling Iranian market.